William Allan Jones
34 books
John Dewey - Human Nature and Conduct - Part 2, The Place of Impulse In Conduct
Part 2 describes Dewey's concept of IMPULSES. They encompass the interaction of one's self with the environment. When the environment encounters problems with one's HABITS, Impulses are the motivating, innate forces...
2 hours 53 minutes
John Dewey - Human Nature And Conduct - Part 1, The Place of Habit in Conduct
John Dewey, an early 20th Century American philosopher, psychologist, educational theorist saw Social Psychology as much a physical science (with rules and predictive power) as Biology and Chemistry. This project...
2 hours 43 minutes
Single author
George Gordon, Lord Byron - Lines, On Hearing That Lady Byron Was Ill
Here is a bitterly sarcastic poem wherein a jilted Lord Byron spits out his distain for his estranged wife, Lady Byron, laying a curse upon her, accusing her of being a «moral Clytemnestra» (wife of Agamemnon, who...
57 minutes